Let me start by saying that today is a very exciting day for me. It's almost as exciting as when I started the Daily NFTs Minute podcast about three years ago, and then transformed it into Web3 Magic and broadened its coverage of topics from pre-launch NFT projects to projects using blockchain in novel ways to solve real-life problems.
Today is exciting for a couple of reasons:
1/ I believe I have finally found a visual identity that I feel belongs to Web3 Magic
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and Web3 Magic deserves it. Till now, it has been a bit of ad-hoc chaos. I missed the guidance of a professional, and I also missed time to focus on it. Exploring exciting projects and my normal daily job were always "a bit more important" than searching for the right visual identity.
But as you know me a bit by now, I like visual things, and it bothered me. Somewhere at the back of my mind, there was always a little nagging voice saying - you know that your branding needs a bit of consistency and new look because it's hard to recognize and find. The designer named Antimo (if you need his help, find him at @antimofm.eth) has helped me think through the basics of branding for a podcast and made me decide the final identity. That means if you don't like it, it's all on me!
So here I am - finally announcing the new visual identity of the Web3 Magic podcast! It gives me building blocks to be more consistent while keeping things creative for each episode. It also brings better readability and a stand-out factor when used in different podcasting apps.
You are the first to see it, and I hope you will like it as much as I do. Let me know what you think, please!
2/ In the true Web3 spirit of "create, sign, own," - I'm bringing the Web3 Magic podcast on-chain.
Starting today, you can collect all (and full) podcast episodes and their unique artistic covers as NFTs. They are all minted on the Zora network.
Why Zora? Because it's part of the Ethereum ecosystem, the whole network was built and continuously evolving to be the best place for artists and NFT creators of all types.
With "create, sign, own," I'm just paraphrasing Chris Dixon's recent book title "Read Write Own" in a way that fits the work of any Web3 creator. We are all creators and should guard our work from misuse. Misuse potential is what led to my decision to take this step sooner rather than later.
It took me almost four months to actually make it happen, but here we are. One step closer to being protected from potential deepfakes, and from someone else claiming they have recorded something, or wrote something, or said something first. The AI advancements I've seen in the past 12 months assured me that it will soon be impossible to tell if that person on the video in the podcast is the real person who recorded the video or if it's just a deepfake avatar impersonating someone. The only way to check will be an on-chain signature on that video.
I don't even have to sell my on-chain podcasts; that's just an added benefit for those who'd like to support me or own a piece of Web3 history (🙏 thank you all for that 🙏). I want to ensure we can all verify and check what we are watching.
As mentioned, from today you can find all previous episodes as mintable NFTs here on Zora.
From now on:
In the future, anytime I publish a new episode, it will also include a link to mintable on-chain content that you can collect. There are many reasons why you collect - maybe you like my cover art, or you loved the guest and their project, or you want to support me in finding more cool crypto projects to shine the light on, or all of the above.
I will be creating a most popular episode list from mints, and it will help everyone get more visibility - which is the main reason why I am doing the podcast with non-mainstream projects - to give them more visibility and to learn something new.
But please don't feel like you need to mint. You can watch, listen to, and read all episodes for free. I, of course, tremendously appreciate any support, but always make sure you only spend money you can afford to spend!
Big thank you!
I have one last "thank you” for a very important person. It is my online friend Blujeanmomma (@altfortomorrow). She was the master of AI creations behind my initial Web3 Magic cover and some eye-catchers you could have seen on Twitter (X).
This is the cover to which we are saying goodbye today! Thank You, Blujeanmomma 🙏

Thank you, everyone, for being with me on this journey. Please tell your friends!
We are just starting to roll - web3 has many more exciting builders and solutions to discover and I plan to discover them all! 😉
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That's it, friends. Now you know what’s happening and you can let me know what you think about it on Twitter (X) or Farcaster. Till the next episode (tomorrow) … keep it colorful!
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